Each year thousands of dogs suffer and die from accidental ingestion of common household products that are poisonous to dogs. Some of these products are houseplants, common foods, medications, pesticides and cleaning products. You have to dog-proof against your dog's natural instincts.
Your dog is genetically wired to investigate a new area or an area that he does not frequent. This ritual revolves colse to your dog nosing around, smelling and swiftly eating what he discovers. If your dog does this in your garage or workroom, he can sniff, drink or walk through a wide collection of toxic substances.
Your dog can be a victim of chemical poisoning if licks off a toxic substance from his fur, eats poisoned vermin, inhales toxic fumes or absorbs a critical estimate of a chemical through his skin, nose, pads or tongue.
The Garden
Many common organery products can make your dog sick or even kill him. Make sure you also dog-proof your organery just as you do the inside of your house before you allow your dog unfettered and unsupervised access. Snail bait, roach bait, ant bait and other ground chemicals can be deadly to dogs. If your dog eats rodent poison or dead poisoned rodents, he can come to be highly sick.
Your dog can come to be very sick by nibbling on a leaf or sniffing a flower sprayed with pesticides. In my opinion, the best pesticide is no pesticide, but I know that this is an unrealistic position for most of you to take. Check your local nursery for secure alternatives. an additional one danger to your dog is plants and flowers that include toxins that are lethal to the canine physiology. Some common toxic flowers and plants are
o Amaryllis
o Lily
o Azaleas
o Chrysanthemums
o Daffodils
o Easter Cactus
o Holly
o Hyacinths
o Mistletoe
o Cocoa Bean Mulch
o Oleander
o Poinsettias
o Sago Palm
o Tulips
Medications That Kill Not Cure
Acetaminophen is found in more than 200 medications such as Tylenol® and Vicodin, which sacrifice our aches and pains. A dog that ingests these medications can perceive kidney and liver failure. Ibuprofen has a sweet coating that makes it absorbing to dogs.
Common brands of medication that include ibuprofen are Advil®, and Midol®. If young puppies are left in a room without administration it is best that the room be puppy proofed from the level of the floor to a distance of four feet in height or the height of your counters, remember that your dog can double his standing height by rearing up on his hind legs. In addition, all medications should be securely placed in cabinets that are above the height that the puppy can reach when he is on two feet.
Grapes And Raisins
Grapes and raisins can be lethal for your pet dog. The exact component that causes the damage is unknown, as is the lethal dose. If your pet responds to treatment and survives the perceive the symptoms can last for days or weeks. Other toxic foods are avocados, coffee, raisins, nutmeg, onions, garlic, raw salmon and Xylitol.
Cleaners Can Be Killers
It is as foremost to poison proof your house for your dogs as it is is for your child. Dogs can actually open low cabinets or the trashcan and ingest a deadly estimate of chemical cleaning product. Anything that contains pine oil, Isopropyl Alcohol, bleach or Lysol® can cause serious chemical burns on the mouth, tongue, esophagus or pads of the dog if licked or consumed.
Close the door, crate your dog or block off the room while you are cleaning and using toxic chemicals. Allowing your dog to meander colse to while you are cleaning will risk your pet attempting to taste the cleaners you are using. Alternatively, your dog may walk over some spills on the floor and will be sure to lick any foreign substances from his paws, thus ingesting the toxic chemicals.
Always keep your dog out of the work area when painting, varnishing or spraying herbicides/insecticides until l the substance dissipates or dries. Dogs are very susceptible to fumes and can even suck up some toxins through the skin of their feet. Make sure the lids of all chemical products are tightly closed. Dogs are careless about brushing against objects and spilling their contents and licking them up. common workshop toxins are turpentine, kerosene and boric acid.
Dangers In The Garage
Antifreeze is only one of the dangers your dog can encounter in your garage. Motor oil, gasoline and other fluids can drip on a dog while he is exploring below a car, if your dog tries to clean himself, he will ingest these toxins. Gasoline and fluids containing ethylene glycol are life threatening, and the symptoms range from vomiting, abdominal pain and convulsions to death. If you see your pet exhibiting vomiting, diarrhea, strangeness breathing, tremors or convulsions, rush him to the vet immediately.
Carbon monoxide poisoning is an additional one danger for your pet. If you start your car, unaware your pet is in the cramped space of the garage; your dog will have no selection but to inhale the fumes. Dogs are far more sensitive to carbon monoxide poisoning than humans. As with people, if you think that your dog is suffering form carbon dioxide poisoning get him to the vet immediately for additional treatment.
Battery acid is as dangerous to your dog as it is to you. Dogs that have inadvertently licked battery acid have lost parts of their tongue, or have large burns over most of their mouth. Battery acid poisoning is very severe and an extreme emergency.
The Most common Toxins
The most common toxins that dogs get into that supervene in a trip to the vet are:
o Chocolate
o Acetaminophen
o Ibuprofen
o Plants and Flowers
o Cleaning Products
o Antifreeze
o Pesticides
o Christmas Tree Pine Needles
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