November 16, 2011

Killing Ants The Right Way

Ants are one of the most common nuisances you will encounter when you own a home, ants can get into nearly whatever and they make their living doing it. Most ants will only be unsightly and will only be a bother, but you will still want to use methods for killing ants if you want to get rid of them.

There are two key problems that ants will take, they will whether nest covering your home and forage for food inside, or they will nest inside your home and forage inside and outside. You can treat both problems with the same methods; using baited traps made for killing ants. The best kind of bait traps to use are liquid based, they simulate the ants beloved food, nectar. Liquids are easier for them to carry and eat, production liquids the most desirable and attractive bait for ants.

Natural Ant Killer For Garden

Setting up these baits where you see ant operation is easy and quick to do and they will remain active as long as the traps are setup and maintained. These bait's prime objective is to be delivered to the queen of the ant nest. The queen is the only reproductive ant in the nest and if she dies then you will effectively wipe out the nest of ants. The poison bait will also do an exquisite job of killing ants other than the queen since all of the ants will need to eat.

Once you have baited areas where you see ant activity, you can take steps to prevent newer ants from entering your home, clean and survey your foundation using a accepted cleaning solution; you can use a aggregate of vinegar water if you want to use an eco-friendly chemical. This will eliminate any pheromone trails the ants may be using to get into your home. After cleaning the foundation, start using caulk to seal up any cracks or gaps in the foundation or areas that the ants can get through.

You will need to treat the perimeter of your home with a non-irritating pesticide designed for killing ants. This is normally a liquid spray but you can also use granules nearby your home, both work well, spraying the base boards of your door frame and the frames of your windows will also keep ants out of the most common entrances to your home.

Remember to use all products as directed and safely, read directions and use them with caution.

Killing Ants The Right Way

Best Way to Kill Ants Brush DC Motor